Tuesday 12 November 2013

PSST - wanna grow your hair long and strong?!

I feel I need to let you all in on the secret for growing your hair long and strong!.........

ANSWER: Kerastase Initialiste Serum approx $68AUS.

Now before you go praising me, I DID find this holy grail hair product from the oh-so beautiful and glamorous she-is-sarahjane.blogspot.com so head over and have a squizz of her blog!

Right back to the product! This serum is amazeballs for so many reasons. It is a leave in serum, to be applied after washing and conditioning your hair. It comes in a droplet form and is to be used sparingly all over your scalp and massaged in. It will strengthen your hair, nourish your hair from the roots down, reduce static, increase shine, increase thickness and manageability. The softness of your hair after using it is second to none!

Directions - 2 pippetts for fine hair and 4 for normal to thick hair to be used 2-3 times per week.

I promise you it will change your hair and increase hair growth! I have very short hair but when I use this regulary, by four weeks I am a shaggy dog and am desperate for a haircut!

If you are also interested in whitening your teeth, Dr George is a godsend! This whitening gel can be used in mouth guards or just with your regular toothpaste and produces great results! I use a few times a week to keep my teeth pearly white and if they look a little yellow; I will apply, leave on for 15-20 mins and rinse out. Easy.

Dr George's Dental White can be bought online from the US, eBay was my source and only around $20AUS including postage.

Have you used either of these products? Do you also have a secret for growing your hair long? Do share! :)

E xxxx

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